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Certification & Training

Security related risks are reduced by 70% when Business invest in cyber security training and awareness


Our certified specialists will conduct online & on-site training to any size audience to provide the latest industry trends on a range of topics. Our sessions will be interactive and provide time for discussions to share experiences and case studies. Training sessions can be customized as per the audience requirement. It includes plenty of hands on exercises, real word scenarios. Training sessions can be measured via multi-choice test & virtual labs.

This Instructor lead course will teach you in depth concepts of different streams of IT Domain, which are the basic building blocks to master your final goal as cyber security Engineer or Ethical hacker. Mastering you in Different IT system environment like windows, Linux, Networking essentials & Cyber security. After completion of course, you will be fully prepared to take Different industry certifications of your choice.

Course Topics

  • Windows Administration (Server 2019 Microsoft track)
  • Linux Administration (Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 Certification track)
  • Networking Essentials
  • Database Essentials
  • Cyber Security/ Ethical Hacking.
Download the Course catalogue here
Click here to Register for the demo class

IT technology advances in multiple gallops every day and every business corporation has to keep up with it to stay relevant in today’s digital era. But how much you can put its benefits to use for the growth of your business depends on how competent your employees are in handling and managing the tools and technologies
Softaxa offers all-inclusive corporate training services to cater to the IT training needs of your organization. Some of the key trainings we offer include

  • Basic Cybersecurity Awareness Training
  • Specialized Windows, Linux & Network Training
  • Cybersecurity & Ethical hacking Course

For More information, please do write to us on: info@sslp.in